Sunday, February 03, 2013

Tonight is warm

You are cold
I picked up a lot of bad habits from you
But the one thing I didn't pick up until tonight
Was the hate
That one has to have
When someone acts like you do
You're stuck up
And never gave love first
But you demanded it back
You said some things tonight
That made me stop caring
You choose to say such hateful things.
And now
I wonder why I kept on trying to be loving to you
You don't matter
This does not matter
We don't matter together we are not
You always have your reasons
Well I got my reasons too
And I hope you feel
The way I do
And I hope someone you love
Is as cold and as mean as you
I really do
Cause you never tried to protect me
You didn't try to make anything better you only tried to get me to change
To be more like you
Well you aren't a good man sometimes.
I'd rather be with someone who is free to do and see whatever and whomever he pleases but is sweet and nice to me
Than to have you on your moral high horse who states how they do no wrong but doesn't care to listen to anyone else and is just angry and mean when he feels just.
Fuck that
Fuck you
After 7 years of believing I was the one with all the problems. I see that a lot of the problems have been you too
You should really change yourself before you try to change anyone else
You shouldn't really think about the fucked up things you say
Before you spit them in my face
Cause today was the day that it made me not give a shit about you anymore.
You can never take it back
And I'm glad.
You deserve to feel
What you will feel
Now that I am gone

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the strangest of the strange...

the strangest of the strange...
...i am

star loves the beatles too

star loves the beatles too
yeah i love the beatles too